ADvance: Ad Effectiveness Methodologies Suited to Your Needs

With advertising costs going up, and viewers becoming more fragmented, how do you know your ad dollars are being maximized?  In our 20+ years of testing ad effectiveness for our clients, we’ve refined and identified the key components you need to get immediate and vital feedback.

ADvance offers a number of approaches to fit your specific set of questions, and here are just a few of our top-level methodologies that are most often requested by our clients.

#1 – ADvance Control/Test

Question:  How do I measure a brand’s advertising impact on the audience in a television program? How will I know the ads have performed in affecting viewer attitudes and behaviors across a range of key performance indicators (KPIs)?

Solution: ADvance Control/Test. Matching groups of program viewers are surveyed – one group is exposed to the brand’s advertisements; one group is not. Differences between the two groups reveal the effectiveness of the ads on the whole.

Why it’s the most effective method: ADvance Control/Test studies are the gold standard of advertising effectiveness testing because we screen out interference with better controls.  Using E-Poll’s panel of identified program viewers, we test groups simultaneously allowing this method to produce results very rapidly.

#2 – ADvance Pre-Post test

Question: How do I know if a unique group of people’s feelings change about a brand, from before they see a sponsored integration in a TV episode until after they see it?  Can I test this with hard-to -reach viewers?

Solution: ADvance Pre-Post test. A group of targeted program viewers are surveyed about the brand both before and after seeing a program integration. This allows isolation of changes that are due to the integration.

Why it’s the most effective method: E-Poll has pre-screened viewers of all sorts of programs.  This method is particularly useful when dealing with hard-to-reach audiences and offers reduced sampling costs. This method is also valuable when you need to measure the “before and after” effect of exposure to advertising, and re-contact over time is available with our proprietary panel.

#3 – ADvance Control/Test Cumulative Impact

Question: I’m placing ads in several episodes of a television program over the course of a season. How will I know the cumulative effect of this campaign on viewer attitudes and how those attitudes have been affected by association with specific show elements?

Solution: ADvance Control/Test Cumulative Impact. A group of viewers are recruited to watch a program’s full season, followed by a comprehensive survey. Results are compared to a matching control group which is surveyed prior to the start of the season.

Why it’s the most effective method: This method can measure the cumulative impact of a sponsorship at any point throughout the season. In-depth questioning can produce insights about how different elements of a program (for example, hosts or branded integrations) affect viewers’ relationship with the brand.

Why choose E-Poll Market Research for this?

  • Expertise: Have conducted thousands of studies across more than 40 categories.
  • Cost & Speed: Done in-house so you get the benefit of speed, accuracy, quality control and cost.
  • Proprietary Methodology: Perfectly suited and replicable to meet client’s unique needs
  • Quality Respondents: Dedicated E-Poll Panel with key identifiers you need

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